Dr. Christopher Kyba

A 17,
20.21 (Büro)
Research Interests:
My work centers on quantifying artificial light in the night environment. My main focus is on what types of light sources are responsible for light emissions and the skyglow produced by cities, and how emissions are changing over time. One of the best ways to track skyglow changes worldwide is via citizen science. You can take part in my research by joining our Nachtlicht-BüHNE project, or submitting measurements with our Loss of the Night app on an Andoroid or iOS device.Career:
2014 - pres: Postdoc ( Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) German Research Center for Geoscience (GFZ)2013 - 2014: Postdoc ( Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
2009 - 2013: Postdoc ( Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) Freie Universität Berlin
2008 - 2009: Family relocation to Germany, paternity leave, German language classes
2006 - 2008: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania
2006: PhD in Experimental Particle Physics, University of Pennsylvania2000: BSc (honors) in Physics, University of Alberta
2020-pres: CALEC (Characterization of artifical light emissions of the Cologne area at night)
2019-pres: Nachtlicht-BüHNE
2017-2021: ERA-PLANET
2015-pres: Illuminating Lake Ecosystems
2013-pres: Loss of the Night citizen science project
2010-2012: Loss of the Night collaboration
2009-2011: MILIEU (FU Berlin)
1999-2006: Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
Research Boards and Committees:
2019-2020: Member CIE TC4-48 (Obtrusive Light from Colourful and Dynamic Lighting and its Limitation)
2017-pres: Member, IDA awards committee
2017-2018: Co-editor of special issue " Remote Sensing of Night Lights - Beyond DMSP"
2016-2019: Management Committee substitute, EU COST Action CA15212
2013-pres: Chair, ALAN conference international steering committee
2012-2016: Management committee, EU COST Action ES1204 (LoNNe) 2012-2016: Chair of working group 1, EU COST Action ES1204 (LoNNe)
"Outstanding Reviewer Award" from Environmental Research Communication, 2019
Helmholtz ERC Recognition Award, 2018
Galileo Award, International dark-Sky Association, 2016
Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics (Joint award), 2016
2nd place, Science Slam im Wissenschaftsjahr Regionalwettbewerb Nord, 2015
IDA Dark Sky Defender (Awarded to Verlust der Nacht collaboration), 2013
GEO Slammer des Monats, August 2013
2nd place, Famelab Brandenburg-Berlin, 2013
IDA Dark Sky Defender Award (Science & Research), 2012
Deutschland Land der Ideen: Forschungsverbund Verlust der Nacht, 2012
1st place, Science Slam im Wissenschaftsjahr Regionalwettbewerb Ost, 2012
2nd place Famelab Brandenburg-Berlin, 2012
1st place, Berlin Science Slam, November 2011
NSERC John C. Polanyi Award (Awarded to the SNO collaboration), 2006
Arnold M. Denenstein Prize for Experimental Physics, 2001