Dr. Cecile Blanchet

Dr. Cecile Blanchet
Building F, Room 451 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

  • 2023: Researcher in the STEEpCLIM project (Lake Monticchio), PI and Co-PI of Rain6K and Warm-Hydro projects
  • 2023: Member of the internal scientific council
  • 2022: Researcher and scientific coordinator of the VARDA database (80%)
  • 2020-2022: Researcher in the Pro-Hydro project (80%)
  • 2018-2020: Reintegration grant (Nile deep-sea fan varves) (80%)

Research Interests:

  • Quaternary record of paleoenvironmental changes
  • Sediments as high-resolution climate archives
  • Ocean-continent linkages
  • Relationships between climate, erosion, vegetation and precipitation (threshold & feedback processes)
  • Climate-environment-human nexus

During my career, I have focused on high-resolution (near annual) laminated records from continental margins as archives of environmental changes, either on the continent or in the ocean. I am particularly interested in the relationships between the terrestrial and marine realms, how they influence each other and how initial forcing are either exemplified or buffered by these complex interactions.

As I focus on the late Quaternary, the role of interactions in the climate-environment-human nexus are naturally one of my main research interests. In that respect, I value co-operation with other disciplines (such as with archeologists) to build more comprehensive pictures of human-climate interactions.

I study sedimentary processes along the source-to-sink pathway: sediment generation and transportation, response of ecosystems to climatic changes, sediment deposition and post-depositional alteration through diagenesis.


  • 2018-now researcher at GFZ (80-100%)

Researcher in the STEEPclim project, PI Rain6K project, co-PI Warm-Hydro project

Scientific coordinator of the Varved Sediment Database (VARDA)

PI Project PRO-HYDRO (Dead Sea hydroclimates during the Early Holocene) - funded by the DFG

Reintegration grant "Annual Nile floods during the African Humid Period" - funded by the GFZ Potsdam

  • 2017-2018 Assistant professor (Freie Universität Berlin) (6 months, 50%)

Period out of academia:

  • 2015-2017 Project manager for the Green-Win Horizon 2020 project (Global Climate Forum Berlin) (2 years, 50%)
  • 2013-2015 Family pause, Weiterbildung “Project manager Wind Energy” (Proventus)

Previous post-doctoral positions:

  • 2010-2013 Post-doc fellow GEOMAR Kiel & NIOZ Texel (3 years, 80%)

Own-position for the project HOSINIL (past climates and environments in the Nile watershed) - funded by the DFG

PI Project IODP Bering Sea (palaeoceanography of the Bering Sea during the last glacial cycle) - funded by the DFG

  •  2008-2010 Post-doc in the West-Nile Delta project (GEOMAR Kiel (Funding RWE-Dea) (1 year, 50%)
  •  2006-2008 Post-doc in the graduate college EUROPROX (Universität Bremen) (2 years, 100%)


  • 2002-2006 Ph-D in Geosciences, CEREGE, Université Aix-Marseille III

“Paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes on the NW American margin during the last glacial-interglacial cycle”

Supervision: Prof. Nicolas Thouveny & Prof. Laurence Vidal

  •  2001-2002 Master in Geosciences CEREGE, Université Aix-Marseille III

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