Dr. Bernhard Steinberger

A 46,
210 (Büro)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 42-46
Research Interests:
- Geodynamic modelling of large-scale mantle flow
- Relation of mantle flow and geoid, topography and volcanism on Earth, Venus, Mars and Moon.
- Global reference frames for plate tectonics
- True polar wander
since 2009/07 Researcher, Section 2.5 Geodynamic Modelling, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam2004/08 -- 2009/07 Researcher, Sentrum for Geodynamikk, Norges geologiske undersøkelse, Trondheim
2002/11 -- 2004/03 Researcher, IFREE, JAMSTEC, Yokosuka
2002/09 -- 2002/10 and 2004/04 -- 2004/08 Visiting Researcher, Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Univ. Bayreuth
2001/09 -- 2002/08 Visiting Fellow, CIRES, Univ. Colorado at Boulder
1997/03 -- 2001/08 Postdoctoral Fellow, Inst. Meteorology & Geophysics, Univ. Frankfurt
1996/03 -- 1997/02 Postdoctoral Fellow, Inst. Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
1990/09 -- 1996/01 Research & Teaching Assistant, Dept. Earth & Planetary Sciences, Harvard Univ.
1996 Ph.D., Dept. Earth & Planetary Sciences, Harvard Univ.1994 M.S., Division Applied Sciences, Harvard Univ.
1990 Diplom, Inst. Geophysics, Univ. Munich, Germany