Dr. Benjamin Heit

Dr. Benjamin Heit
Building A 46, Room 013 (Büro)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 42-46
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

  • Coordination of Swath-D research within the "4D-MB Mountain Building in Four Dimensions program, Providing seismological data for the SPP 4D-MB, A dense seismological station network in the Central and Eastern Alps"
  • European Plate Observing System - Sustainability Phase: Within the EPOS SP task "Test and further develop the best practices for field work and data management of temporary deployments and tailor made QC for dense temporary networks"



"Science Management Award 2018" from Section 2.2 Geophysical Deep Probing / 2.4 Seismology for his role as coordinator of the GFZ Dense Array SWATH D within the scope of the SPP 4D-MB (4D Mountain Building - SPP 2017) and the international AlpArray consortium.

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