Dr. Angelo Strollo

A 46,
113 (Büro)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 42-46
Function and Responsibilities:
GEOFON Program Manager
Research Interests:
- Real-time seismology
- GNSS, DAS and other exotic real-time data/products integration in seismology
- Instrumental seismology
- Analysis of seismic signals and Quality Assurance
- Tsunami and Earthquake early warning systems
- FAIR Data Management in seismology and open science
- Identifying and testing the suitable instruments for seismic noise recordings
- Development and application of quick and non-invasive methods for earthquake microzonation.
- Estimation of local site amplification effects.
- 2015-Present: GEOFON Group Leader, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. Section 2.4, Seismology.
- 2011-2015: Postdoc, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. Section 2.4, Seismology. Coordination of the PROTECTS seismological capacity building program.
- 2010-2011: Postdoc, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. Section 2.1, Earthquake Risk and Early Warning. Coordination of the Work Package 4 ERN, Networking European Rapid response Networks. Testing seismological equipment and communication systems suitable for rapid deployments of real-time seismic networks.
- 2008-2010: Coordination and research activities (Doctorate), Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. Section 2.1, Earthquake Risk and Early Warning. Design, Installation and startup of a cross-border rapid response network (CAREMON); Earthquake Microzonation studies for the Bishkek test-site; Capacity building program.
- 2005-2010: Ph.D. Geophysics, University of Potsdam, Germany. Development of techniques for earthquake microzonation studies in different urban environment.
- 1997-2004: M.Sc. Geology, University of Basilicata, Italy. Site effects of the 2002 Molise earthquake, Italy: analysis of strong motion, ambient noise, and synthetic data from 2D modeling in San Giulano di Puglia.
Current projects
- 2023-2026: SUBMERSE - SUBMarine cablEs for ReSearch and Exploration; Funding Agency: EC Horizon Europe programme (Participation role)
- 2022-2026: Geo-INQUIRE - Geosphere INfrastructures for QUestions into Integrated REsearch Funding Agency: EC Horizon Europe programme, Project Number: 101058518 (Coordination role)
Former projects
- 2021-2023: eFAIRs - Enhancing FAIRness in seismological data management. Funding Agency: Helmholtz Association Initative and Networking Fund (INF).
- 2020-2023: EWRICA - Early-Warning and Rapid Impact Assessment with real-time GNSS in the Mediterranean. Funding Agency: DE BMBF.
- 2020-2023: EPOS-SP - European Plate Observing System - Sustainability Phase. Funding Agency: EU Horizon 2020.
- 2019-2022: EOSC-Pillar - Coordination and harmonization of national initiatives to support EOSC. Funding Agency: EU Horizon 2020.
- 2018-2020: EOSC-hub - Integrating and managing services for the European Open Science Cloud. Funding Agency: EU Horizon 2020.
- 2017-2020: SERA - Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe. Funding Agency: EU Horizon 2020.
- 2018-2019: GDN - Geo Data Node. Funding Agency: DE BMBF.
- 2015-2019: EPOS-IP - European Plate Observing System - Implementation Phase. Funding Agency: EU Horizon 2020.
- 2015-2018: EUDAT2020. Funding Agency: EU Horizon 2020.
- 2011-2014: PROTECTS - Project for Training, Education and Consulting for Tsunami Early Warning Systems. Funding Agency: DE BMBF.
- 2010-2011: NERA - Network of European Research Infrastructures for Earthquake Risk Assessment and Mitigation. Funding Agency: EU FP7.
- 2008-2010: CASCADE - Central Asian Cross-border Natural Disaster prevention. Funding Agency: DE Federal Foreign Office.
- 2005-2006: DPC-S3 - Shaking scenarios and expected damage potential in areas of priority and/or strategic interest. Funding Agency: IT Civil Protection - University of Basilicata.
Research Boards and Committees:
- ORFEUS Executive Committee President (since 2024) and member (since 2019)
- ORFEUS Secretary General (2015-17)
- EIDA Management Board Chair (2015-17)
- EIDA Technical Commission Chair (2013-15)