Amanda Wild

Function and Responsibilities:
EU Researcher working at the GFZ Earth Surface Process Modelling Section
PhD Student within the University of Potsdam
ESR14 Fellow within the S2S-Future Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions ITN
2020-Present: EU Researcher and PhD Graduate Student, GFZ
2018-2020: MSc Graduate Student, University of Victoria
2018-2018: Assistant Researcher (Work Contract), Pacific Geoscience Center of NRCan
2018-2018: Assistant Researcher (Work Contract), BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations
2012-2018: BSc Student, University of Victoria
2020: Master of Science (Physical Geography), University of Victoria
2018: Bachelor of Science (Physical Geography), University of Victoria
Current Research Project: Modelling Grain Size Evolution within Fluvial Systems
- My PhD research has only just begun. I will be incorporating grains size evolution within a landscape evolution model. After a successful integration of the grain size component into the model, I will be comparing model simulations to field stratigraphic data. Next, I will run many model simulations to assess the impact of large climate events (e.g. PETM) on grain size evolution within fluvial systems.
Past Projects:
- In my Master's research, I assessed the impact of bedrock islands and bedrock confinement on the morphodynamics and stratification within the estuarine system using bathymetry, ADCP profiles, CTD casts, sediment cores, the CSDMS HydroTrend model, and more.
- In a summer contract funded by the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations, I analysed fluvial plume propagation downstream of an active landslide using remote sensing techniques.
2019-2020 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)- Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master's Recipient
2019 & 2020 University of Victoria President's Research Scholarship
2019 Annual Meeting CSDMS Student Scholarship
2018, 2019, & 2020 University of Victoria Graduate Award
2018-2019 University of Victoria Geography Department Fellowship
2017 Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award
Teaching and Technical Assistant Experience:
2019 & 2020 Geography Department Specialist Instructor, University of Victoria
2020 Geography Department ADCP Deployment Assistant
Conferences and Public Talks
2019 AGU Poster Presentation: Morphodynamics of a Bedrock Confined Estuary and Delta: Patterns and Processes of the Skeena Estuary along the NW Coast of Canada
2019 CSDMS Annual Meeting Poster Presentation: Patterns and Rates of Sedimentation in a Bedrock Confined Estuary
2019 Maritime Museum Public Talk: Adventures of a Sediment Grain