Dr. Ahmed Nasser Mahgoub Ahmed

Account-Guest (Guest)
Dr. Ahmed Nasser Mahgoub Ahmed
Building A 42, Room 217 (Büro)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 42-46
14473 Potsdam


    2021. Post-Doc, GFZ Potsdam.

    2019. Post-Doc, UNAM, Mexico. 

    2019. Lecturer of geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism, Assiut University, Egypt.

    2013. Assistant lecturer, Assiut University, Egypt. 

    2009. Demonstrator, Assiut University, Egypt.


2019–2020. UNAM-DGAPA post-doctoral fellowship, Mexico.

2014 – 2018. PhD at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), México.

2009 – 2013. M.Sc at Assiut University, Egypt.

2004 – 2008. B.Sc at Assiut University, Egypt.


2021-2023  MB Magnetic Field Reversal. Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung

Research Boards and Committees:

2021. Member of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) 

2015. Member of the Reunión Anual de la Unión Geofísica Mexicana (RAUGM)


§  Francisco Medina Mexican award “Best Doctoral Thesis in Earth Sciences, 2019”

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