
Joint Workshop on Event Definition and Characterisation

SYSTEM-RISK ETN jointly organises with the SPATE (Space-Time Dynamics of Extreme Floods, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (FOR 2416)) consortium a workshop on the definition of extreme flood and storm events.

System-Risk Final Conference from 17-19 September 2019 in Potsdam, Germany

The System-Risk final conference will bring together flood risk researchers and practitioners from administration, the insurance industry, and consultancy to discuss novel approaches.

Second Interim workshop from 19-20 September 2018 in Bristol, UK

On September 19 and 20 2018, System-Risk Early Stage Researchers and consortium members have met for the second interim workshop in Bristol, UK.

International Conference | University of Potsdam from 4-5 October 2018

International Conference on "Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World", University of Potsdam from 4-5 October 2018.

SYSTEM-RISK TRAINING MEETING, 12-16/02/2018, Flood Hazard Research Centre at Middlesex University, London (UK)

From 12 – 16 February 2018, the Flood Hazard Research Centre at Middlesex University in London (UK) hosted the third System-Risk ETN technical training course.

First Interim Workshop from 9-10 October 2017 in Vienna, Austria.

On October 9 and 10, consortium members and Early Stage Researchers of the System-Risk ETN have met for the first interim workshop in Vienna, Austria.

International Conference on Flood Management, 5 to 7 Sept., Leeds

From 5 to 7 September 2017 the International Conference on Flood Management has taken place in Leeds.

Technical Training Course, 26 to 29 June 2017, Delft

The second System-Risk training course was held at the Deltares institute in Delft, the Netherlands.

Technical Training Course, 23 to 27 January 2017, Bologna

The first technical training course within the System-Risk European Training Network on the topic “Fundamentals of Risk Analysis and Risk Management Concepts” was held from 23 to 27 January 2017 in Bologna, Italy.

System-Risk successfully started: Kick-Off Meeting on 10-11 October 2016

On October 10 and 11, consortium members and Early Stage Researchers of the System-Risk ETN have met for the Kick-Off Meeting in Potsdam, Germany. Scientists, and specialist representatives from the industry and authorities have shaped a common view on contemporary challenges inlarge-scale flood risk science, engineering, insurance, and policy making.





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