3D thermal modelling and Reassessment of deep and moderately deep geothermal potentials of Hesse

The complex geological and therefore also thermal configuration of the subsurface of the German federal state of Hesse leads to high uncertainties in the planning of geothermal projects. To reduce these uncertainties and the risk of drilling non-productive wells, we want to build an improved 3D structural and thermal model of Hesse. Therefore, a lithospheric-scale conductive thermal model will provide the boundary conditions for thermo-hydraulically coupled models that reach depths of 6 km. To validate the models we will use all available temperature measurements. In a next step the calculated temperature distribution will be used to reassess the deep and moderately deep geothermal potential of Hesse and to develop a best practice for future exploitation. Furthermore, smaller scale and higher resolution models of specific target areas will be used for more detailed thermo-hydraulically coupled simulations. Finally, a best practice will be developed for the visualization and the applicability of the results in the context of 3D city models (e.g. Frankfurt a. M.).


„Teilprojekt III: Untergrundtemperaturmodell von Hessen und Neubewertung der tiefen und mitteltiefen geothermischen Potenziale von Hessen“ im Verbundvorhaben „Hessen-3D II: 3D-Modellierung der geothermischen Tiefenpotenziale von Hessen“ koordiniert von der TU DarmstadtGefördert vom BMWi (Förderkennzeichen: 0325944 A und 0325944 B)

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