GFZ Work Packages of Project ADVANTAGE
Future generations of European global navigation satellite systems are expected to take advantage of recent breakthroughs in optical clock and optical data communication technology, progressions in atom interferometry and new concepts for autonomous spacecraft operations. Within project ADVANTAGE innovative architectures for future navigation systems are envisaged, designed and developed with wide ranging benefits for society, industry and science.
ADVANTAGE is a joint project of Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) and GFZ Helmholtz-Zentrum für Geoforschung (GFZ) with support by several external partners. The project is funded for a period of three years by Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft(HGF) within the framework of the "Impuls- und Vernetzungsfond" (Initiative and Networking Fund).
ADVANTAGE represents a joint effort of physicists, geodesists and engineers at the Helmholtz institutions DLR and GFZ. The project contributes to programme-oriented funding programs (POF) "Space", "Geosystem: The Changing Earth" and "Atmosphere and Climate". ADVANTAGE utilizes synergistic effects between important elements of these POF activities and thus further strengthens the impact of HGF.
Coordinator: Prof. H. Schuh
Personnel: K. Balidakis, G. Beyerle, G. Dick, Prof. F. Flechtner, H. Ge, M. Ge, S. Glaser, C. Falck, R. Heinkelmann, R. König, F. H. Massmann, G. Michalak, M. Murböck, K. H. Neumayer, T. Nilsson, M. Semmling, Prof. J. Wickert, F. Zus.
Time frame: March 2017 to December 2020
Advanced Technologies for Satellite Navigation and Geodesy. G. Giorgi, T.D. Schmidt, C. Trainotti, R. Mata-Calvo, C. Fuchs, M.M. Hoque, J. Berdermann, J. Furthner, C. Günther, T. Schuldt, J. Sanjuan, M. Gohlke, M. Oswald, C. Braxmaier, K. Balidakis, G. Dick, F. Flechtner, M. Ge, S. Glaser, R. König, G. Michalak, M. Murböck, M. Semmling, H. Schuh. Advances in Space Research, 2019, 64(6), pp. 1256-1273. DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2019.06.01
File download
A summary of the main project objectives is available at this link: ADVANTAGE White Paper (pdf file, 41 KB)