A Novel Finite Frequency Receiver Function Method

CSC - China Scholarship Council, Fellowship

Studies on the seismic discontinuities in the mantle transition zone, which are at depths of about 410 km and 670 km, are more and more popular in these decades. As for the imaging methodology, the receiver function method is a dominant technique to reconstruct the shapes of underground interfaces. However, this method usually uses ray theory as the relationship of inversion, and it leads to some limitations especially when the length scale is quite small. This work tries to introduce the finite frequency effect into the traditional receiver function method. As the theory of finite-frequency effect shows, we can calculate the sensitivity kernels for travel time of body waves as well as the kernels for surface wave observables. According to these results, we will find the sensitivity kernels for receiver function signals in relation to the perturbed depth of the discontinuities, which are the boundaries of the transition zone in the mantle. Then we will run a forward modelling benchmark to test the reliability and validity of it. After the calculation of kernels and the forward test of this method, we will implement it onto a real array (e.g. AlpArray) to give a more detailed structure underground.

Time frame

  • 2017 - 2019

Principal Investigator

  • F. Tilmann (GFZ Potsdam)
  • R. Wang (GFZ Potsdam)


  • S. Zhang (GFZ Potsdam)


  • CSC - China Scholarship Council

Research Unit(s)

  • RU1 (Global Processes: Integrated monitoring and modelling)
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