GDN: Geo Data Node

within this project we plan to foster the application of the guidelines on research data recently approved at the GFZ. Well-curated datasets beyond the completion of the primary analysis (following the FAIR data management principles) are treasures that can lead after decades to innovative research. For examply, using data archived at GEOFON from a passive experiment (GIPP Instruments), Jaxybulatov, et al. (2014) were recently able to employ a new methodology on a dataset acquired half a decade earlier (in 2008/09), measuring radial anisotropy in the crust with ambient noise analysis to discover that the Toba super volcano is underlain by a huge sill complex, revealing more details concerning the mechanism of super volcano formation. While enforcing the application of these guidelines to a variety of Geo Data acquired from GFZ researchers in many different thematic areas, we also plan to update the guidelines for some communities where data management is already quite standardized and successful (e.g. Seismology, Geodesy, Rock Samples). The project will advance in parallel on two main streams: one work package will focus on Case Studies for the different thematic areas including communities dealing with "long tail" data and communities with high degree of standardization; a second work package will focus on developing standard data management plans for research data, coordination among the different disciplinary areas at the GFZ and organize outreach events to ensure coordination with the national and international scientific communities.

Specifically the GEOFON team will contribute to the following tasks:

  • Develop Data Management Templates for seismic data sets in archive encompassing the different use cases (Permanent networks: own, GFZ and third party; temporary networks: instruments from GIPP, own instruments within GFZ and third party; different data access rules: open, embargoed, restricted)
  • Develop templates for the GFZ's existing Scientific Technical Report series to complement the data sets in archive.
  • Review relations between existing Persistent Identifiers for a better discovery of all resources related to a data set.
  • Support GIPP in attributing Persistent Identifiers and jointly work towards an API aiming at facilitating seismic metadata creation.


Time frame

  • 2017 - 2019

Principal Investigator

  • R. Bertelmann (GFZ Potsdam)


  • J. Quinteros (GFZ Potsdam)
  • S. Hemmleb (GFZ Potsdam)


  • BMBF - Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung


  • GFZ internal (Library, GIPP)
  • coordination within GeoX and with RDA


  • Evans, Peter & Strollo, Angelo & Clark, Adam & Ahern, Tim & Newman, Robert & Clinton, John & Pedersen, Helle & Péquegnat, C. (2015). Why Seismic Networks Need Digital Object Identifiers. Eos. 96. . 10.1029/2015EO036971.
  • Jaxybulatov, et al. (2014). A large magmatic sill complex beneath the Toba caldera, Science, 346, 617. doi: 10.1126/science.1258582


Research Unit(s) and/or User Facilities

  • MESI
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