Mobile DLR/GFZ SAR-Antenna

Mobile DLR/GFZ SAR-Antenna (1996 - 1999)

The existing configuration of earth observation stations leads to the following restrictions in the availability of SAR data:

  • Global coverage by ground stations is not sufficient (gaps above all in Latin America, Asia and Africa).
  • SAR data of some national stations are not available to the international community due to technical, financial, operational or political restrictions.
  • In case of disaster monitoring, spatially flexible acquisition of the data and their fast processing and distribution is necessary.

The operation of a mobile satellite receiving station allows a more flexible acquisition of SAR data. Thus, mobile stations are a valuable addition to the existing network of permanent stations. The GFZ Potsdam in cooperation with the German Space Center (DLR) operated a mobile satellite receiving station. These activities were coordinated with the European Space Agency (ESA). The system integration of the antennna was completed in November 1996. The first campaign was carried out in 1996 in Cordoba/Argentina. Campaigns in Central Asia followed in 1998 (Bishkek/Kyrgyzstan) and 1999 (Kitab/Usbekistan).

Mobile DLR/GFZ CHAMP-Antenna (since 2000)

The SAR-Antenna was modified to record S-band information of CHAMP. 

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