ZEISS Ultra Plus Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

The Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscope of the Zeiss Ultra Plus allow you to capture, analyze and supplement high-resolution images to get total information out of your sample. The complete detection system of the Ultra Plus combines a high-tech Gemini FE-SEM column with various detectors: the In-lens & SE-Detector for high resolution images, the in-lens Energy selective Backscatter Detector (EsB) & Annular Backscatter Detector (AsB) for impressive material contrast of any samples, and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) for elemental analysis. We can use Ultra Plus in diverse scientific fields, including Materials and Geological Research: combined analytical procedures and retrieve of maximum amount of information from your sample and in Life Sciences to analyze samples easily with high throughput and get large volumes of data. Further, Ultra Plus also provides the option for analyzing biological specimen in natural state using Cryo attachment and Cathodoluminescence (CL) for mineralogical analysis.

Instrument Specifications:

  • Tungsten-zircon field-emission filament (Schottky type)
  • Acceleration voltage 0.02 to 30 kV
  • High-vacuum system
  • Magnifications: 12- 1,000,000x for secondary electron (SE) images, 100-1,000,000x for backscattered electron (BSE) images.
  • Resolution 1.0 nm at 15 kV
  • Intersection-free beam projection (Gemini optics)
  • Probe current 4 pA – 20 nA
  • Quiet mode (noiseless and vibration-free operations)
  • Inlens SE and in-column BSE detectors (EsB)
  • ET-SE detector
  • Angle selective BSE detector (AsB)
  • UltraDry SDD (EDS) detector (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
  • Panchromatic (imaging) CL detector (EMSystems)
  • Mobile cryo table plus transfer system VCT 100 (LEICA/BAL-TEC)
  • High-vacuum coating machine (C & Au-Pd) MED 020 (LEICA/BAL-TEC)
  • Image output: 8-bit and 16-bit TIFFs, up to 3072 × 2304 pixels
  • Motorized six-axis eucentric stage (-4o to 70o tilt), coupled with Zeiss SmartSEM image navigation, enables quick and simple sample navigation.
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