Microcosm Lab

Location: E355

This lab is dedicated for carrying out various microbial techniques in a sterile environment. These include the isolation of fungi on agar media from soil samples, the purification of DNA from microbial cultures and soil samples, and setting up of soil microcosm experiments. Sterile conditions are created by the laminar flow workbench, the use of sterile disposable instruments (e.g., inoculation loops, pipette tips) and by sterilizing surfaces with 70% ethanol and/or isopropanol solutions. The lab also has an incubator for incubating microcosms at constant temperature until sampling.

  • Laminar flow cabinet -ENVAIR
  • Bioclave 16 Autoclave - Benchmark Scientific
  • MiniSpin Centrifuge - Eppendorf
  • PCR workstation  - AirClean Systems AC600
  • Ice maker CoolNat ZBE 30-10 - ZIEGRA
  • Heratherm IMP180 Refrigerated Incubator
  • Ultrasonic bath Elmasonic Select 60



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