IRUP: The role of metasomatism and liquid immiscibility in the evolution of the Bushveld Igneous Complex and its platinum deposits


This project addresses the origin of extremely Fe-rich olivine-pyroxene rocks (IRUP) that are believed to result from replacement of gabbro-norite rocks metasomatizing melts or fluids of enigmatic origin and composition. The goal is to test possible links between metasomatizing liquids and silicate liquid immiscibility and to assess the geochemical effects of the metasomatic transformation, including re-distribution of Fe-Ni-Cu sulphides and the platinum-group elements. The project has practical applications because replacement IRUP disrupts the platinum-group ore bodies and causes significant problems for mining.

Project details:

Funding: DFG

Duration of project: 2013 - 2017


Project details

Duration of project: 2013 - 2017

Funding: DFG

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