Hazard assessment of seismic and vulcanic activity under Halmahera
The project aims at obtaining a better understanding of unusual seismic activity under Halmahera (NE Indonesia). In 2015 and 2016 hundreds of felt earthquakes happened in the Jailolo Region, some of them reaching M5. Together with the Indonesian project partner BMKG we have installed a volcano gas-monitoring station at the Jailolo volcano with is up-graded with a seismic and geodetic temporary observation network in the region. In addition, an educational program accompanies the project.
Within the GFZ, the sections 1.1, 2.1, 2.2 (GIPP), 2.4, and 3.1 are also involved in this project.
Project details
Duration of project: 2016 - 2018
Funding:Federal Foreign Office