GRAMM: Granites, models and metals


Ore deposits associated with felsic intrusions in the upper crust are major resources of metals like Cu, Au, Mo, Sn and W. They typically form by magmatic fluids exsolved from the crystallizing magma chamber, either in proximal settings within the intrusions are more distal locations within the surrounding rocks. Fluid ascent is characterized by both physical and chemical fluid-rock interactions along dynamic fluid pathways. Understanding the first-order controls on ore-forming processes is essential for mineral exploration, in particular as targets move to greater depth. The research group GRAMME uses and further develops numerical modeling tools for multi-phase saline hydrothermal fluid flow and combines them with field observations and geochemical analyses from world class Sn-W-Greisen and vein-type deposits in the Erzgebirge, Germany, and Panasqueira, Portugal. We are conducting fluid inclusion analyses with infrared-microthermometry and LA-ICPMS and SIMS measurements on selected minerals. The group led by PD Dr. Philipp Weis further involves one PostDoc (Dr. Christine Andersen) and two PhD students (Marta Codeço and Maximilian Korges.

Project details

Duration of project: 2015 – 2020

Funding: BMBF 


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