Phase-A Study GRACE-I (2022)

Section 1.2 led a Phase-A study to realize the GRACE-I satellite mission. Phase-A followed Phase-0 (April-September 2021, funded by the German Space Agency (DLR)) and was strongly supported by DLR and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). GRACE-I is intended to provide data continuity for observation of the global water cycle after GRACE (2002-2017) and GRACE Follow-on (since 2018). Optionally, GRACE-I shall contribute to biodiversity research using the ICARUS (International Cooperation for Animal Research Using Space) payload realized as a tech demo on the ISS between 2020 and 2022. Primary observable are high-precision (nanometer accuracy) LRI (Laser Ranging Interferometer) distance measurements between the twin satellites from which variations in the Earth's gravity field or maps of the Essential Climate Variables (ECV) Terrestrial Water Storage (TWS) are derived on a monthly basis. The LRI is a very successful technology demonstrator on GRACE-FO. Biodiversity research shall be conducted by observing animals and other relevant biodiversity variables using miniaturized terrestrial sensors that transmit their data to a receiver onboard the GRACE-I satellite. GRACE-I, like its two predecessors, shall gain be realized jointly with JPL. Launch is planned for beginning of 2027; the operations Phase E shall last for (at least) 5 years.

To accomplish these goals, a contract was awarded by GFZ to Airbus Defence and Space to (1) investigate in depth the various mission options and payload configurations from Phase 0, (2) compare the options at the system level, (3) develop the detailed design of required technical improvements w.r.t. GRACE-FO, and (4) provide a detailed schedule and cost estimate. The primary outcome of the project should be the preparation of a revised Phase 0 Customer Technical Requirements Specification (CTRS) and a technically and scientifically feasible GRACE-I mission scenario.

Further details can be found in the GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2022 presentation: Frank Flechtner, Christoph Dahle, Markus Hauk, Josefine Wilms, Michael Murböck, Michael Nyenhuis, and Peter Schaadt (2022): GRACE-I: A joint US-German mission for continued mass transport monitoring and enabling global biodiversity monitoring, online available here

Project Partners:

  • Airbus Defence and Space GmbH (Airbus D&S), Immenstaad, Germany
  • SpaceTech GmbH, Immenstaad, Germany
  • JPL/NASA, Pasadena, USA
  • DLR, Bonn, Germany
  • Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert-Einstein-Institute), Hanover, Germany
  • Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Konstanz, Germany

Project Duration:

  • 04/2022-09/2022


  • BMBF
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