NGGM and MAGIC End-to-End Mission Performance Evaluation study (2024-2026)

GFZ has been recently been contracted for the establishment of the distributed ground processing segment for NGGM and MAGIC by leveraging our extensive heritage from the GRACE mission series. The scope of the “NGGM and MAGIC End-to-End Mission Performance Evaluation study (NEMPES)” is to develop, implement, validate, and verify a framework to simulate and evaluate the performance of Level-0 to Level-3 NGGM and MAGIC products. It will increase the fidelity of Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Documents from the previous Phase A Science Support Study for NGGM/MAGIC. To achieve that, this activity foresees the development of an End-to-End simulator at breadboard software maturity level that serves as a precursor of the ground processor prototypes, particularly from level 1 to level 3. GFZ is leading the WP500 “Level-1B (Instrument Data) to Level-2 (Gravity Field) Processor”.

Project Partners:

  • TU Munich (Project Management), Germany
  • CNES, Centre national d'études spatiales, France
  • TU Delft, The Netherlands
  • MPG/AEI, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Hanover, Germany
  • POLIMI, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  • TU Graz, Austria
  • AIUB, Astronomical Institute University Bern, Switzerland
  • ONERA, France

Project Duration:

  • 9/2024 - 2/2026

Funding :

  • ESA
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