Guidelines for using instruments of the GFZ Instrument Pools

1. One of the GFZ Helmholtz-Zentrum für Geoforschung GFZ Helmholtz-Zentrum für Geoforschung (GFZ) tasks is the execution of joint projects with scientists of universities and other research institutions. For this purpose the GFZ supplies geoscientific instruments, e.g. in terms of instrument pools or special facilities for analysis. Here, in principle is distinguished between two categories:

Category A: Instruments for geoscientifical field experiments (e.g. mobile recording stations)
Category B: Stationary equipment (e.g. Geomagnetic Observatory or High Pressure Experiments facility)

These guidelines refer to the use of instruments of the instrument pool for geoscientific field experiments.

The following instrument pools for the application at geoscientific field experiments are arranged up to now:

  • Geodetic Instrument Pool (GPS instruments)
  • Geophysical Instrument Pool (seismics, seismology, magnetotellurics)
  • Borehole-measuring vehicle with borehole probes

A GFZ-responsible person is nominated for each instrument pool, which is in charge for the properly processing of the instrument application.

2. User respectively steering boards will be arranged for each instrument pool, whose members are leading geoscientists of university-related research institutions as well as of the industry. The members are recommended by the scientific board, and chosen by the GFZ Executive Board according to the dimension and the significance of the respective instrument pool. As a rule, the chairman is a scientist from outside, which is designated at the respective field. The head of the respective GFZ section and the respective instrument pool person in charge take part in the sessions of the user resp. steering boards.

3. The user respectively steering board rates the applications for the scientific projects, which need instruments of the instrument pool, elaborates a list of priorities, and gives its recommendations concerning the performance of the applied joint projects to the GFZ Executive Board.

Furthermore, the user respectively steering board advices the GFZ Executive Board in terms of the instrumental equipment of the respective instrument pool.

4. The instruments of the instrument pools are to be used for joint scientific projects of the GFZ together with third parties. As far as third party applicants in charge will use instruments of the instrument pool for scientific projects, scientists of the GFZ are to participate at these projects. In particular it is to assure, that by use of instruments always contributions are adduced in the context of scientific aims of the GFZ, and the GFZ is involved adequately.

The use of instruments for third party projects without GFZ participation is possible in exceptional cases only, and requires the acceptance of the GFZ Executive Board at any rate.

5. Project applications are to contain the following declarations:

  • Scientific relevance of the project
  • Subject, aim and description of the project
  • Participants and principal investigator
  • Time schedule
  • Necessary instruments of the instrument pool;
  • time and location of the deployment
  • Absolute costs of the project
  • Intended financing and distribution to the partners
  • Risk estimation (transports, deployment location and maintenance)

6. The application for use of instruments of the instrument pool is carried out in two steps

Step 1:

  • Project applications with the scientific motivation (see also item 5) are applied to the head of department 2.
  • The head forwards the application to the instrument pool person in charge.
  • 4 weeks before the session of the steering board takes place, the applications are given to the members of the steering board.
  • The steering board discusses the scientific contents and feasibility of the project application, elaborates a list of priorities, and gives its recommendations to the GFZ Executive Board.

Step 2:

  • The GFZ Executive Board decides on the project applications recommended by the steering board.

Projects confirmed in that manner have top priority. Short term cases are decided by the GFZ Executive Board in coordination with the chairman of the steering board and the instrument pool person in charge.

7. The instruments of the instrument pool as specified (data sheet) are supplied to joined projects without charge, as far the users are universities or non-profit research institutions.

All costs, which appear by the use of the instruments performing research projects are individually split among the partners.

That is also applied to the costs of technical staff. The respective principal applicant of the project is responsible for the data retrieval.

8. When the financing of an applied project fails, the scientist in charge immediately informs the instrument pool person in charge, which informs the GFZ Executive Board.

9. The instrument pool person in charge administrates a list about application time and location of the instruments as well as about the user in charge. He informs the chairman of the user respective steering board and the GFZ Executive Board twice a year about the application of the instruments as well as about the current upgrading of the instrument pool.

10. At supply of the instrument to a third party a written lending agreement is concluded, which precisely describes the instruments, the duration of lending and the responsibilities. At instrument return a return protocol is to be written after checking the operability of the instruments. As a rule, supply, training, and return of the instruments at the end of the application time takes part at the GFZ Potsdam.

11. After project termination, a field report is to be presented to the instrument pool person in charge, within two month after project termination.

12. In publications arisen from measuring campaigns, where instruments of the GFZ instrument pool took part, this fact is to be mentioned.

Potsdam, 20. April 1995

Prof. Dr. R. Emmermann, Dr. B. Raiser


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