Data Delivery
Data will be delivered to the “GIPP Experiment and Data Archive” in different formats depending on the experiment type. Data are transferred via „ftp“ or appropriate media (USB disks, DVD, etc.). Only correctly formatted data can be processed and stored – further experiment type specific information can be found below. For data upload and further questions please contact
1) Temporary seismological networks
Data of “passive”, temporary seismological experiments will be stored at the “GFZ Seismological Data Archive” of the GEOFON. Data of short-time seismological deployments or of experiments with a small number of stations, which will not be archived at GEOFON, can also be archived within the „GIPP Experiment and Data Archive“. Data - together with the stations list - are handed over to the GIPP in MSEED format which will eventually transfer the data to the GEOFON programme. For more information (data formats etc.) please see document „Guidelines for Submission of Temporary Seismic Network Data to GIPP“ (pdf in geman) .
2) Controlled source seismics (reflection/refraction)
These experiments usually comprise deployments of seismic receivers (2D, 3D) and active seismic sources (e.g., explosions, vibrators, hammer, drop-weight, airgun). Time-corrected source or receiver gather (raw data) will be archived in standard-SEGY format. The data header shall contain all information necessary for further processing, i.e. sample rate, number of samples, source and receiver coordinates, data format, source ID, receiver ID, channel ID, reduction velocity. Specification of data of unconventional experiments will be coordinated with the GIPP staff. Additionally, raw data (MSEED format) and – optional – other products (stacked or migrated sections, SEGY or images) will also be archived.
3) Magnetotelluric experiments
MT experiments can be classified into „broad-band“ (BB) experiments and „long-period“ (LMT) experiments, depending on the sensor system used. Generally, data are delivered as time series. Typically, Fluxgate Magnetometer (GeoMagnet, Pulz) are used in LMT experiments. Data collected with Earth Data logger (EDL) are handed over in EDL-MSEED format. Additionally, data of the CASTLE Sensorboxes are needed (XTR files). Induction coils (Metronix MFS05,06,07) are usually used in BB experiments; in this case EDL, S.P.A.M. MkIII or S.P.A.M. MkIV are used as recorders. Accordingly, time series are provided in EDL-MSEED, S.P.A.M. MkIII format or S.P.A.M. MkIV format. Again, data of the CASTLE Sensorboxes are needed (XTR files). Optionally, further information such as transfer function can be stored in the MT component of the GIPP Archive.
4) Other experiments
Amount and specification of data of other experiments (not covered by the above listed classes) are coordinated with the GIPP staff.