
Applications for instruments and sensors of the Geophysical Instrument Pool Potsdam should be sent to Dr. Christian Haberland one up to one and a half year in advance. In this application, a brief description of the scientific goals of the project should be included, also the reason why it is necessary to involve instruments from the GFZ, the number of desired instruments, the duration of the project (including the time for transportation), and the scheduled date. Please use the form provided for seismic and seismological projects (pdf, docx) and this form (pdf) for geodetic projects, and restrict the attachment "Short outline of project" to two pages.

Alternatively, the application can be carried out via website forms (at present in German only):

This application then is recommended by the Steering Board for the GIPP, and the final decision is made by the Executive Board of the GFZ. The Steering Board meets twice a year (April and October). The deadline for applications is four weeks before the Steering Board meeting (see GIPP main page for date). The applicant will be informe approx. four weeks after the decision.

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