In the Organic Surface Geochemistry Lab we conduct research on regional differences of the causes and effects of past climate change and variations in biogeochemical cycles.
In the Physical Laboratory, we perform experiments to study mainly the interactions of sediment and water, but also measure rheological properties of sediment and prepare samples for further analysis in the other labs.
In the sediment lab we analyse the compositional properties of sediments. Disentangling sediments allows scientists to infer the history of the sediments, interpret sedimentary archives and learn about the processes that have generated and transported the sediments.
In the laboratory for tephrochronology, visible and invisible (crypto-) tephras are extracted from sediment records and prepared for geochemical fingerprinting of the volcanic source as a chronological tool for palaeoclimate archives.
In our laboratory are being measured the stable isotopes of the light elements Carbon (C), Nitrogen (N), Oxygen (O) and Hydrogen (H) in different terrestrial climate archives such as lake sediments and speleothems as well as in precipitation and surface water.
The laboratory for XRF Element Scanning provides qualitative and non-destructive analyses of sediment compositions based on X-ray Fluoresces. These analyses provide detailed element records and maps that can be used to characterise past depositional, environmental and climatic conditions.
The laboratory for microscopy focuses on the specific requirements of microfacies analysis of lake sediments, but also offers a wide range of possibilities for other applications.
The thin section preparation is used to make or produce sections of soft sediments (lacustrine and marin), hard rock, minerals, frozen kernels, organic materials, soils, ores and hygroscopic samples such as salts and clays.
The Dendroclimatology Laboratory serves for the reconstruction of temporal and spatial variability of the climate of the past utilizing multi-parameter tree ring analysis.