IHPV - Internally Heated Pressure Vessel

High Pressure Laboratory for Geomaterial Sciences - a Geo.X joint lab
with the University of Potsdam - Mineralogy

In principle, an internally heated pressure vessel (IHPV) consists of a thick-walled pressure vessel sealed by closure plugs at the ends. In addition, there is a pressure inlet/outlet as well as several electrical leads into the vessel for power supply to and temperature control of the internal furnace. The equipment is particularly designed for experimental studies at medium to high temperatures (currently up to 1250°C) and pressures up to 10 kbar. This P-T range is unaccessible by convential cold-seal pressure vessels. Because Ar gas is used as the pressure medium, the pressure in IHPV experiments is known more accurately than in experiments using solid-media piston cylinder equipment. Another advantage of IHPV is the comparatively large sample chamber (zone of constant T), allowing to run simultaneously 5-10 sample capsules.




is maintained by Ar gas, automatically controled


heating is by an internal resistance two loop tube furnace (Mo wiring, 17-mm internal diameter, 60 mm long sample chamber), 1250°C maximum T


are contained in welded noble metal capsules (diameter up to 10 mm; length up to 50 mm)


Prof. Dr. Max Wilke, Universität Potsdam

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