Scientific objectives – explained in a video
Marco Bohnhoff: Seismotectonic setting of the South Aegean in the light of the current seismic crisis near Santorini. Online Seminar at the 25th Annual Meeting of the German Geophysical Society (DGG), 24-27 February 2025 in Bochum
Marco Bohnhoff explains how earthquakes, the energy transition and climate change are connected in the Hörsaal Live podcast “Lässt der Mensch die Erde beben?” (in German). Earthquakes can be a major threat to us. But not all earthquakes are fateful natural phenomena. We humans also cause them. The catastrophic quake in eastern Turkey and northern Syria in 2023 claimed the lives of around 60,000 people, almost 39,000 homes were destroyed and hundreds of thousands of people were affected by the tremors, many of whom are still affected today. 12 December 2024
Patricia Martínez-Garzón:The interplay between seismic and aseismic deformation on the North Anatolian Fault Zone. Online seminar at the ERC Tectonic-Fear weekly Seminars, hosted by Prof. Chris Marone from the University of Sapienza, 28 March 2022, Rome
Marco Bohnhoff:Fault-zone drilling and monitoring - where do we go from here? Presentation from the 2020 Conference on the Pohang Earthquake, South Korea, on the role of fault zone drilling and monitoring projects worldwide and the role of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Programme (ICDP) to plan and run such projects, 12-14 November 2020, South Korea
Grzegorz Kwiatek: Prospects to monitor potential departures from self-arrested ruptures using near-realtime monitoring of induced seismicity during hydraulic stimulations. Presentation from the International Forum on the Pohang Earthquake, 12-14 November 2020, South Korea
Thomas Wiersberg: Achivements and goals of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program and how to get involved. Presentation for Early Career Scientists in preparation of the ICDP 25+2 Conference in Potsdam, Germany